finished works

5 posts

Ballgowns and fashion pauldrons

me standing in a decorative hallway wearing a ballgown and fashion armor

Steps and process of making an incredibly impractical ballgown and an incredibly fashionable matching pauldron.

Quilted Interpretation of Helen Frankenthaler's Orange Mood (1966)

a quilted interpretation of Helen Frankenthaler's Orange Mood (1966)

Art quilt interpretation of Helen Frankenthaler's Orange Mood (1966)

Anatomy of a Square inspired quilt

a square blocked quilt in purples and blues with yellow accents

A color theory assignment - I was inspired by Josef Albers' Anatomy of a Square series. The finished quilt is 54" square. I selected 3 analogous colored fabrics, and then assigned a similar embroidery thread color to each. I also selected one complementary yellow color. I designed the

Self portrait

a bust self portrait made of 14 mm pieces of colored paper on canvas

2024 18 x 24 collage on canvas

Block Print Poppies

a white paper with black block printed poppies on it

I had a one quarter intro to block printing as part of an intro to studio art class I took all spring. Without tracing any references, we had to draw a piece to block print. I decided on a little field of poppies and drew probably 20 variations of this

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